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last weekend i got the chance to spend the day with my good friends stephanie & doug. we called it LA DAY. we headed up to Reality LA in the morning for church, and let me tell you, it was such a treat to worship and commune with one of my home church's plants. there is something so sweet about the community of believers networked in Him just here in so-cal. we then headed to the LA Festival of Books, met some friends for fro-yo and then ventured back the the oc for dinner and settlers of catan with the Beyliks (stephanie's awesome family). i met the beylik family this past christmas and got to know them a bit during their stint in mammoth. (i posted about them here). and it was such a treat to see them again this past weekend. seriously. they are great. and in our truest form, we played settlers of catan. i am the one to blame of starting this addiction for them. my bad. and i must say, they definitely have perfected their strategies and skills. and i might add, they don't mess around. haha. they are hardcore board-gamers now. i love it. haha.

1 comment:

cg said...

Jeff--Micah and I LOVE Settlers. In fact, we're having friends over tonight to play!