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in recent days i have been searching. looking for answers. combing craigslist for houses and roommates. perusing the classifieds for part time jobs. all because i have been anxious to move back to santa barbara. i love it here. and really, i feel like this is where i am supposed to be. or at least, it is where i want to be. it is such a rich community for me. full of supportive friends, fun social engagements, and incredible church community. i miss living here. i miss the people. the moments. the santa barbara vibe. i think i am finally at a place where i am ready to come back. or at least i hope so. it seems risky. it feels a bit rash. and i wonder if i am just going to get antsy again. yet all the while, i can't help but think that i should take the risk, realize that it is not rash because i have been thinking and praying about it since i left in the first place and trust that i can find contentment here if i put my heart and mind to it. i need to trust that the Lord will provide a way if i am meant to be here. so i continue to search and hope that i will find...

1 comment:

Kellie said...

you should live in a car