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taylor: senior photo shoot.

it was taylor's senior photo shoot that helped crowley get the j. shipley epic-location status it had long been striving for. i knew it had potential but never really gave it the chance. until now. it proved itself indeed. and to make the shoot even better, taylor pulled out all the stops to ensure his photos had that epic awesome-ness factor.

so taylor has a minor obsession with sunglasses. he literally has a collection. i love it...mainly because he let me try 'em on. i contemplated pilfering a pair, but then my conscious got the better of me. they are his pride and joy afterall. so of course, we had to get some bad-ass sunnie shots in, among others. needless to say, we had a great time.


Derek LApsley said...

nice. love the 3rd image from the top!!

dude, for some reason your blog stopped updating on my RSS feeds and i totally have been missing out on your new posts :(

Montana Dennis said...

Dude freakin money these are so sick man!!! I love the one with the shadow that you were talking about and all the one where he is looking through stuff.. so sweet keep it up!!