i aged today. about forty minutes ago i officially entered into my twenty-third year of life. and, you know what, it feels pretty darn good. i tell ya. i mean twenty-three is a bit of an awkward number and it definitely makes me cringe a little when hear it out loud. but i am stoked about where i am at this point in my life. and when i reflect back the years bygone and reminisce about the many fond memories of yesteryear, i can help but feel all sorts of warm and tingly inside. and blessed too of course. blessed to know such incredible people. grateful for profound & inspiring moments. thankful for life-changing experiences and lessons. in awe of such a wonderful God. it trips me out to think about all that has happened, all that i have learned, and all that i have experienced in a mere twenty-two years, and it excites me to think about what is to come. birthdays are cool for this very reason. well, that and the party hats, cake and pinatas. and of course, the fact that it's all about me for one day. i am not gonna lie, i love that. who doesn't? haha. ok, but for realz, i love the excuse to assemble together all of my favorite people and have a good time. who doesn't love a good par-tay? that is my absolute favorite part about birthdays. for sure.
so today, i made myself the most perfectly delicious pancakes and then spent the morning lounging around the house, reading, reflecting and chatting with various family members. mmm, so nice. what's in store for the rest of the day? a quick jaunt down to yogurtland for my birthday sundae. an evening concert in the park. dinner with some of my dearest at one of my favorite restaurants. and then dancing downtown in true jship style. i. am. so. excited.
how to sum up my last year in one photo? hmm. well, i think this one should do it. this epic light-painting photo was taken by a brilliant photographer...none other than
montana dennis!
Happy Birthday! :D
happy birthday!
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