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few things compare to first tracks in fresh powder. whether it be made with a snowboard, ski, snowmobile or sled, one can't help but experience that divine feeling of elation. you simply float atop the powder of white and there is no where else in the world you would rather be. and you get that feeling of achievement that comes with having been the first and the one and only person to get that patch of pristine pow' all to yourself. it is simply one of life's greatest pleasures. mmm-hmm.

and lucky for me, i got to experience first tracks yesterday on my 'mobile. ah, it was awesome. the fam and i headed out to our favorite spot to play in the Christmas snow. we played for hours and i just had to bring the cam along knowing that the conditions were perfect for 'mobiling shots...blue skies, fresh-dry powder, and great backlighting. we found a wide open meadow, and i pulled out the cam and post-holed it out into the freshies. i wanted the shot so i told my dad to get as close as he could without, um, killing me. well, let's just say he got quite close and did not hit me. and i got the shot. love it when that happens. check 'em out...

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