seriously? how is it possible that i could have such incredible people in my life? i am so blessed. i just spent the past few days with my friends Stephanie & Doug and as I was driving home last night after a late night of playing Catan, I found myself reflecting on the profound power of family and friendship. i met Stephanie & Doug five or so years ago through the USC Campus Crusades group that used to come up to our church for their winter retreat and we have kept in touch over the years. Stephanie's family comes up to Mammoth every year for a ski/snowboard trip and this year i got to hang out with them and meet her fantastic family. I was so blessed by the moments I got to spend with them and delighted to have gotten to know such an awesome clan. i was encouraged by the unity, love, hope, and joy that radiated from them. and i found myself feeling as though they were family to me although our time together had been so short. so i got to thinking about why i felt that way. and i realized it is because of two things. one: they are inviting, welcoming and warm people that make you feel loved and valued right when you meet them. two: they ARE family in a Biblical sense. we are united together through the bonds of Christ. and we are called into relationship with each other. this is a profound aspect of kingdom dynamics that has left me with this overwhelming sense of belonging.
needless to say, i had a blast in the last few days and am so grateful for Stephanie & Doug, and the Beylik family :). and i love when friends come and play with me in the Eastern Sierra.
p.s. i reluctantly did not take a single photo of us. oh the shame. i must have been to busy playing. but seriously, what was i thinkin'?

and lucky for me, i got to experience first tracks yesterday on my 'mobile. ah, it was awesome. the fam and i headed out to our favorite spot to play in the Christmas snow. we played for hours and i just had to bring the cam along knowing that the conditions were perfect for 'mobiling skies, fresh-dry powder, and great backlighting. we found a wide open meadow, and i pulled out the cam and post-holed it out into the freshies. i wanted the shot so i told my dad to get as close as he could without, um, killing me. well, let's just say he got quite close and did not hit me. and i got the shot. love it when that happens. check 'em out...

white christmas.

lydia and i went out and romped around in the new snow. she is adorable. and was almost fully submerged in the sea of white. haha. and we have watched our share of cheezy, yet addictive lifetime movies. what a delightful day.
i hope that you are enjoying your christmas moments with your family and friends. and that you find yourselves mindful of the blessing of Christ's birth. we have much to be grateful for this holiday season and i encourage you to remember what matters most in life. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

sugar cookies.

the catch with the sugar cookies is that my sister and i have to frost them. and since my sister did that thing where she moved out and got married, it is all on me. so i coerced my Cuz to help me out this time around. ma was jealous and had to join in the fun. and then of course, ma assaulted me with frosting again whilst i was taking photos of the festivities. rude. and then the three of us got into a wild frosting war. i won. as always. hehe. and i managed to get some action shots of the war.

night of lights.

first flight.

turns out that the marketing department liked my work and wanted all the images from the event. i happy obliged and excitedly accepted the opportunity to shoot even more for the Mountain. i am so excited. so tonight is the annual Night of Lights celebration up at Canyon Lodge, and they asked if i would photograph the par-tay. so i am headed up there in a bit to capture the Mammoth Christmas spirit. yes please. who knows, you just may see some of j. shipley's photos in publication. :) ahhhh. yay!


i left my heart.

of course, i don't attribute it all to westmont or my 5d but also to my people: my friends, my family, my community. my family has taught me how to have fun no matter where we are or what we are doing. if no one else is dancing at the party, we are. when the room is silent, we are laughing. when most are watching tv, we are listening to holiday and telling stories, and making funny sounds and faces. and my friends have taught me how to live a life of purpose, intention, love and laughter. i have so many fond memories of heart-to-heart convos, uncontrollable fits of laugher, random adventures and countless inside jokes. i am so blessed.
with all that said, here are a few more images and tales from my san franciscan adventures. part two if you will...wednesday morning started off with a delightful breakfast with Flavia at her favorite restaurant in the Sunset district. so yummy. then she drove me up to Twin Peaks and mapped out the city for me. such an incredible view. i am so grateful for the moments and conversations i had with her.
soon thereafter, Adrienne and I took my little jetta for a drive through the narrow, hilly streets of san fran. i just had to take a drive down the twisted bricks of Lombard Street and alongside a cable car. we cruised along the Fisherman's Warf and through the Marina District past the Presidio and Palace of Fine Arts. we were leisurely driving along when we realized that we were on the fast track to the Golden Gate Bridge with no way out so we thought. we resolved ourselves to the reality that we were going for it and i secretly got excited about it. why not? let's do it. come to find out, we did have an escape but we decided not to take it and venture across the suspended bridge. luckily i had my camera on my lap and was skillfully able to snap some photos as we crossed. i must have had Adrienne fearing for her life. but she didn't show the signs and kept her composure as i giddily inched across the bay. so fun. we stopped off at the view point on the other side for a spectacular view of the bridge and the city. and then hopped back in the car to explore the hills of Marin County. i craved a view of the bridge from the other side and we happened upon a road that twisted us up the hills on the Pacific side of the bridge. not only that but we crawled through a drafty tunnel that led us to a row of benches that faced the Pacific. we sat in awe of the beauty and watched the sun dip toward the horizon. as we walked back through the tunnel, i noticed how cool our shadows were on the concrete walls. we posed for a few shots and then made our way back across the bridge and into the city limits. after forging against some traffic, navigating around the "no left turn" signs, and finding a hard-to-come-by parking space, we made it back just in time for me to hop on the 21 and head down to meet up with Zak for dinner and drinks with Cory & Cora.
Zak is serving at the Raphael House, a shelter that loves, feeds and houses families in need. i had the honored of breaking bread with them and seeing a bit of Zak's city life first-hand. What a cool thing to be a part of. after dinner, we then huffed it up to Cora's cute little apartment and shared stories, beer and sorbet for a few hours. what a treat. zac then put me on a bus homeward. and i just so happened to come across the entire crew from the urban house when i stepped on the bus. so funny.
i hit the sack early so i could hit the road first thing in the morning and make it back down to santa barbara for a photo shoot that evening. and so, naturally, i left a piece of my heart in francisco. how could i not?

christmas card.

san francisco.

a city full of a rich past and cultural heritage, color and vibrancy, landmarks and steep, house-lined streets, san francisco has no shortage of interesting sites, smells, tastes and sounds. i have gotten to spend the past few days, wandering the streets and exploring with city with eyes wide open for new and unfamiliar discoveries. my thirst for adventure was quenched the moment i pulled off the 101 and ascended Fell Street, the pavement ribboned with victorian houses colored shades of pink, yellow, blue and green. i found myself giddy over the thrill of driving my jetta up and down the classic streets of san francisco. i arrived at the westmont urban house and was welcomed my friend steve and many other familiar and loved faces. i was excited for the adventures to come.
on sunday night, steve and emily took me downtown to visit Pier 39. we stopped in to the local aquarium and learned of the bay area aquatic life. and of course we were tickled pink over discovering mind blowing creatures. i quite enjoyed myself. post-aquarium, we strolled the planks of Pier 39, dined on clam chowder and sourdough, and aspired to climb to the heights of what steve calls the "citadel". we knew not how to get there or what it was called until i googled it on my trusty iPhone. coit tower is this landmark' s official namesake. steve still calls it the citadel. haha. so we set out to discover a route up the hill. somehow we stumbled upon a random staircase the led us to the top, between perfect san franciscan houses and around twisted roads. it was a sort of staircase to heaven moment for our adventurous trio. we finally arrived at our goal, only to be teased and taunted by thoughts and dreams of actually getting to climb up the towers spiral staircase. we had a overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction. we had come so close and while the views were still spectacular, we knew it was far better up there. someday...
monday morning i slept in and piddled around the house for a bit and then ventured to a yummy organic cafe with my friend adrienne. it was a treat to spend some quality time with her and hear tales of her stint in the big city. afterwards we made apple crisp and then i went for a stroll through golden gate park. i was in a texture mood if you will. so i was on the prowl for some interesting textures to photography. the exterior of the de Young proved to be most interesting. after i returned back to the house, steve, flavia and eye ventures to north beach for a some classic italian fare and wonderful conversation. flavia drove us down, so i got to see some fun parts of the city en route. we made it back just in time for steve and flavia's house event "nacho night" and i met up with Micah and Claragrace for some Sangria.
this morning i awoke ready for another solo photo adventure and visit to the de Young art museum. so i grabbed my scarf and coat and hopped on the bus. what fun sf buses are. haha. quite an experience. on one leg of my journey i had the classic forrest gump moment when the bus is full and you have nowhere to sit. true story. i reserved myself to the idea of standing when a old russian man motioned for my to take a seat next to him. we chatted as we made our way from stop to stop. he moved to san francisco in 1988 from russia and fell in love with the city. he asked me if i was a local and thought i was french for some reason. i simply chuckled and informed him of my california roots. i was bummed when i had to get off to catch the next bus, but i bid him farewell and set out to find stow lake. and then, off to the golden gate bridge i went. apparently somewhere along the way, i picked the wrong bus and ended up being the only one on board. i noticed my alone-ness and chuckled. the bus driver then inquired as to my destination. i admitted i was such a tourist and was on the prowl for GG Bridge. "Youz on the wrong bus man. Youz got to get on the otha one. I will drop you off at the next stop where you can pick the 29 up." so i disembarked the empty bus and perched myself on the other side of the street waiting for the 29. soon enough the bus came tearing around the corner like a bat out of hell only to nearly pass me all together. the bus driver finally spotted me and slammed on the brakes and briskly opened the door and chuckled when i climbed up the steps. "I almost missed you son. haha. I was so relaxed here on the straight away, i didn't even see you." i was quite amused. so eventually, i made it to the Golden Gate Bridge and was all sorts of giddy over it. that thang is bitchin'. i snapped my share of photos and then wandered around the park there for a while before i huffed it over to the Palace of Fine Arts. wow. what cool landmarks this city has. i had a blast. my iPhone guided then me back home. what a day.
i then finished the day with a "family dinner" with all the urban house peeps. so, so fun. thanks for such a great day san francisco.

arianna & brian.

so often i find myself being too serious and laughing too little. i don't take the time to simply play. to have fun in the simplicity of life. to stroll through a park. arianna and brian are quite the opposite. they embody the essence of fun and laughter. i need to hang with them more. life is all the brighter, and full of laughter in their presence. so, lucky me. i got to spend the afternoon with them and photograph them as they played in the park. 'twas a delight. i haven't laughed like that in quite some time. and, my friend sara truppo even came along too. what a day! one of the things i admire and respect the most about brian and arianna's relationship is that is authentic and natural. there is an uncanny presence of ease and comfort between them. you can see that they are free to be fully themselves around each other. you know, that is how is should be. and i love how fun and playful they are. what a duo. thank you for asking me to capture you. and for being YOU.

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