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en route.

well, i am en route to my home in crowley lake, but had to stop off in bishop and get a frozen chai latte from the looney bean and pic up my dog lydia from the doctor. so here i am waiting for her to get done and thought i would post.

the drive today was good. for the first four hours i just drove and thought. and at times, talked to myself. haha. no music. just me, my jetta, and 395. then i listened to a sermon from my pastor Britt Merrick. and then i rocked out to some rob thomas and rich price. and before i knew it, i was in bishop. i usually hate the drive but it was not too bad this time.

so bishop is a funny place. for those of you who have been here, or grew up in the area, you know just what i am talking about. quirky indeed. so i have been here for a few hours in the local hot spot, the looney bean, and have been amused and compelled to laugh-out-loud several times. let's see here...I had the junior high girl practicing her dance rountine in the line. I had a table of dred-locked, mountain folk at the table in front of me. and had the high school girls gossiping about the latest break-up at school. i found myself eaves-dropping and chuckling a bit inside. high school is a funny thang. oh and i almost forgot about the conversation about "interior landscaping" at the table next to me. haha. i didn't know such thing existed. i mean i we have plants inside sometimes. but i didn't know that we could hire interior landscapers to adorn our interiors with foliage. good to know i suppose if i am ever compelled to have some plants in my house or dorm room and think i can't pick them out and place them on my own...

so i am off to get my lydia. poor thing. don't fret! she is okay but had to have her infected ears cleaned out. gross, i know, but it had to be done. it is hereditary, which is a totaly bumber cuz she always has it and sometimes it gets super bad. we call her munge-eared baby. haha. it happens i guess.

alright...until next time...blessings.

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