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i love springtime sundays in santa barbara. there is something so restful and refreshing about them. perhaps that it why God purposed this day to be a sabbath. haha. i am not very good at taking a sabbath. actually, i rarely do. i know i should, but i never get enough done during the week to create the space and time to simply take the day off. i have too much reading to do, an exam to study for, photos to edit, people to see, places to go. i so rarely stop and rest. relax and breathe.

but i purposed sunday, march 9 to be different. yesterday was the closest i had gotten to a sabbath in a long time. it was wonderful and refreshing. i slept in. drank a smoothie. and spent the rest of the afternoon with a friend of mine, Lauren, taking photographs downtown for, um, FUN.

we had a blast. she was working on a final project for her photography class, and i was there to simply do something i love for the sake of doing it. Lauren finely crafted a foam board sign, lettered with black sharpie, that read: "make a funny face." We fashioned a make-shift "string" out of a surfboard-bag strap i had in my trunk and hung the sign about her next and walked up and down state street for hours, eliciting passers-by to give her their best funny face. the results were comical to say the least. what an interesting social experiment to be sure. we laughed a lot. i often lacked the boldness she did and would trot a few steps behind her, only to watch from afar or get distracted by an interesting shape or texture for my own "photo-project". an afternoon on state-street is sure to be filled with myriad of persons, sights, sounds, and moments worthy of being photographed. so alas, here are a few images from my sunday state-street adventures...(more to come soon).

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