so i just returned to santa barbara after a week-long spring break up in the sierras. it was wonderful to get away from the books for a bit, spend time with the fam, and simply rest. i spent WAY to much time in the big ol green chair in the living room, but hey, i think after four years of hard work, i am allowed to slack off a little. (at least that is what i keep telling my self).
and now, i am back at campus realizing that i only have 5 weeks left in this wonderful place and so much to do and get done between now and may 3rd. it is bitter-sweet. i am so ready to move on with my life yet am reluctant to leave the place that has been my home for the past four years. and i for sure do not want to leave my friends. ugh. I have gotten so used to seeing them every day, and the thought that they will be half-way around the world, state, or country is depressing. i was thinking the other day how my friends have changed me. they have impacted my life in such profound and incredible ways. i would not be who i am today if it weren't for the people who have held me in times of pain and brokenness, encouraged me in times of sadness, recharged me in times of exhaustion, prayed for me, laughed with me, spoke truth and wisdom into my life. ah, i love them...Larissa, Liane, Sonja, Elliott, Justin, Josh L., Brian, Eric, Josh N., Arielle, Nick, Lauren, Jess, Michele, Crystal, Robyn, Ashley, Chris, Sara, Jillian, and Amanda. thank you for the most incredible four years of my life. i adore all of you and love you deeply. let us cherish these last few weeks together. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. i need to store up for the long winter months ahead without you.
okay, i am sad now. i need a hug. and a treat from my easter basket. maybe, 2 or 5 or 10. yummy.
and i need to get to work. i have so much to do. ugh. research here i come. reluctantly and with chocolate covered fingers...