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so this weekend, a few guys from my hall and i went on a hike up to tangerine falls right here in montecito. it was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to just get out and enjoy good company and the beauty of nature.

water. it fascinates us. there is something about it that draws us to it. we love to play in it. look at it. we bathe ourselves with it. we drink it. Water is live-giving and life-sustaining. when there is a huge swell, we paddle out if we are brave enough or we stand perched on the sand in awe of the massive waves on the horizon. if it rains, we like to frolick through the drops and savor the feeling of the droplets beading on our faces. there is nothing more refreshing than a glass of cold, iced water after a long day in the sun or a hot shower after a run.

we as a people love and need water. and yet it is something that we take for granted, something we don't stop to think about, something we have simply gotten used to. all the while, there are nations without the luxury of clean water. their water supplies are ridden with filth and disease, unable to be consumed or used without grave consequences. access to clean water is essential for human life and survival. we must commit ourselves to not only rationing this precious resource in the States, but also, to ensuring the the peoples of the world have access to water. water is life. please visit lifewater for more information about the world's water crisis.

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