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the end and the beginning.

summa time. well, much to my dismay the vernal months are coming to an end. what happened to them? work is about to go into overdrive and is what some may say, "off the hook" or as a surfer might say "it is goin' off, bra". yup, that is the nature of Westmont Orientation. but i knew that when i accepted the job as Orientation Assisstant. its been good. challenging, education. and fun. i love my boss, michele, and the office i get to work in, the Campus Life Office. it is a hoot.

the apartment life has come to a abrupt and sad end and i am currently hunkered in a make-shift room in Deborah Clark Halls, D102. (i lived in this dorm freshman year and all the rooms are the same...which leads to bizzare dejavu experiences). i get to move into my permanant residence on thursday. van kampen k1. woot. i am excited.

I have had such a wonderful summer. and have cherished the moments i have gotten to spend with my buds down in santa barbara. larissa. janelle. dannah. nick. jordan. debby. michelle. brett. josh. katie. katy. peter. kimmy. and meg. thanks ya'll for such a FUN and exciting summer. love you all.

so here it comes...my senior year at westmont. whoa! i will have to talk about that on another post. too much to process there.

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