she has moxy. lots of it. it's that intangible quality that you find yourself drawn to. you crave it. seek after it. and beg the question: what is that? and you proclaim to yourself (and often out loud): i want what she has.
michele has moxy. perhaps this is the reason why i found myself in her office rummaging through her candy bowl like a crazed, costumed trick-or-treat-er all too often when i was in college. or why i took every opportunity to sit across that table at starbucks and sip chai lattes (mine extra hot, no water, non-fat and her's extra hot, no-water, soy. haha) and talk about life. she advised me. listened to my ramblings. entertained my ideas. challenged my perspectives. asked tough questions. spoke truth. and ultimately, she helped me find moxy.
you see moxy is not something that is prescribed or formulaic. it's something unique and custom buried (often deep) inside of each of us. it's a boldness, a confidence. it's a willingness to pursue a better life and to become more of who you were called and created to be. it's a desire to dig deep, challenge yourself and ask tough questions. it's the pursuit of lasting, meaningful and intentional relationships. i wanted that. i wanted moxy.
i would not be the same person if it weren't for michele's presence in my life. she has been a never-ending source of wisdom, encouragement and inspiration. when i think back to the most profound conversations and "a-ha" moments i have had, michele was the person sitting across the table. and i am so thankful for the role she has played in my personal, spiritual and professional growth. but even more, i am deeply grateful for her friendship. i am incredibly blessed to have her in my life and to call her a friend. i truly, truly am. geesh.
all this to say, michele has endeavored do something pretty damn cool. it's something i am SO excited about and have had to keep it under-wraps until the big launch of the site for far too long. it has been an honor to be a part of the beginning stages of what i know will change the lives of many. michele has created a way to share her passion, vision, heart and expertise with all of you through her cleverly named coaching & consultation company:
the MOXY project. she offers workshops, seminars, and personal and professional coaching to anyone who is willing to take a risk and who is anxious to get some moxy.
check out her brand-spanking new website
here (designed by yours truly mind you) and GET SOME MOXY! seriously, do it.